The Possibility of VAT Decentralization in Indonesia


  • Dhian Adhetiya Safitra Universitas Indonesia
  • Akhmad Khabibi Financial Education and Training Agency
  • Afif Hanifah Fiscal Policy Agency - Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia



Taxation, Value Added Tax, , Local Government, Decentralization


This research is conducted to find out the possibility of implementation of Value Added Tax as Indonesia local government’s potential revenue. There are not many forms of state or local government revenue in Indonesia and to include Value Added Tax as local government source of income could help to boost the local economy. While the introduction of new taxes is always challenging, it is still possible to improve the performance of the tax administration and thereby increase revenues by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the tax administration. This paper is using literature review of other countries experience that already implements the policy of state value-added tax in their economy from a legal standpoint and how it will fit into Indonesia’s condition. This research shows that some rules and regulations need to be prepared in order to both implement and adjust to apply the state/local government Value Added Tax in Indonesia. Some approaches to improving the efficiency of tax administration have been pointed out in this report. Sharing of the VAT could be implemented in ways that would raise the efficiency of tax administration, including through increased administrative responsibilities and motivation by subnational government revenue officials.


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