Kegagalan Analisis Laporan Keuangan Dalam Memprediksi Kebangkrutan BPR/BPRS di Indonesia


  • Suwandi - Miskak Institut Pertanian Bogor



ARIMA, CAR, failed bank, forecasting, fraud, good corporate governance


Since LPS operated in 2005 until 2017, LPS has liquidated 84 BPR/BPRS which were declared as failed banks by BI/OJK. The cause of the failure of the BPR/BPRS is that the bank cannot meet the minimum capital adequacy ratio (CAR) due to losses suffered by the bank. The bank losses are caused fraud by owner, management and employees. Losses are recognized in the financial statements after it found by BI/OJK. We forecast quarterly CAR data before a BPR/BPRS is determined as a bank under special supervision to determine the ability of CAR data prediction whether the bank will be placed as a bank under special supervision using ARIMA. The research result shows the difference between forecasting CAR and actual CAR is significant. This means that CAR data calculated based on financial statements cannot predict the BPR/BPRS will be determined as a bank under special supervision, which in turn has the potential to become a failed bank.


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