Kualitas Pemerintahan Daerah dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Inklusif di Jawa Timur





Local Government quality, Inclusive Growth, and East Java


The phenomenon of rapid economic growth but also increasing income inequality, need a new paradigm in policymaking that promotes inclusive growth. The change in development paradigm requires a quality of government. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of the local government quality on inclusive growth in all districts/cities in East Java Province. Fiscal conditions and regional financial performance measure the quality of government. Meanwhile, inclusive growth is measured by the BAPPENAS inclusive development index. By using panel data regression analysis, the estimation results show that the fiscal conditions and regional financial performance have a significant and positive effect on inclusive economic growth in the regions.

Author Biography

  • Ferry Prasetyia, Lecturer and researcher Economics Department Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
    Economics Department Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya


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