Bagaimana Peluang Pengguna E-commerce, E-banking dan Internet di Indonesia?




e-commerce, e-banking, internet, Indonesia, logistic regression


The use of information technology can accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals. Research on the use of information technology to reduce poverty, especially in Indonesia, is still very limited. Amid the issue of many conventional retail closings and a decline in people's purchasing power, e-commerce with the help of e-banking can survive in the market. Therefore, research is needed on the opportunity to use these three services from the demand side, namely households as the largest contributor to GDP. In this study using Susenas March 2017 data from BPS and logistic regression methods. The number of samples in this study was 926,218 individuals. The results showed that individuals with working characteristics, young age, owning cell phones, university graduates, using computers, living in Java and urban areas, and having per capita expenditure above the poverty line in urban districts have a greater chance of becoming users of all three services. Although the gap in users of the three services cannot be avoided, policies are needed to provide adequate and equitable infrastructure and increase digital literacy.

Author Biography

  • Muhammad Abrar, Badan Pusat Statistik
    Ekonomi Digital


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